Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trustworthy Swedes

You would think that after living in Korea for a year I wouldn't still be surprised by trustworthiness. But I am! Sweden, like South Korea, has an incredible degree of trust and for someone from SA this comes as a nice change and blows my mind every time I encounter it. Let me give you some examples about what I mean when I say trust.

There is a nice little coffee shop close to the social sciences lecture halls and a lot of students stop off at this coffee shop in-between classes to get their daily dose (more like doses, they are caffine crazy here) of coffee. That's all good and well but how you go about paying for your coffee is what amazes me. Firstly, you stand in a queue and take what you poor your own coffee, take your own piece of cake, apple, sandwich whatever. Then you continue along the counter until you reach the till where most of the time no-one is standing. However, next to the till there is money just lying there. Yip, you heard me, just lying there. You put your money down and take your change and boom your done with coffee and cake in hand! I mean SERIOUSLY!! That is just insane...They have money lying there and every now and then replenish the change. I have no idea how they keep track of their stock or their money and the best oart is that this isn't just a once off place that does this, quite a few small coffee shops take this approach. I am amazed, one that the owners trust their clients that much and two that the clients respect that trust and the thought of theft doesn't even cross their minds.

Another trust experience which blows my mind is how so many stores have their merchandise outside on display...and these displays aren't tied down or on security camera, often they are completely out of view of the shop owner yet the displays happily sit there all day without being disturbed unless someone wants to buy something.

Just the other day, a friend of mine Sara, bought a coffee and wanted to use her card but the teller said that he didn't want to use a card for such a small amount and that she was welcome to bring the money in when she had the chance! I mean what?! Wow! That is some serious trust!!

It appears the only thing that people don't trust leaving unlocked are their bicycles. Bicycles are always locked up. Despite being very ironic, bicycles are the one thing that is commonly stolen, in this otherwise safe and unbelievably trustworthy place.

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