Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Some sort of fool!

Ok, so this isn't a personal attack against myself or anything but I must admit that I can do some pretty stupid things...put me in a different country when small, seeminly mundane things baffle me then you are bound to get some surprising results.

It all started with a bottle opener, yes, a bottle opener. I bought a can of sweet corn (mielies back home) but have been avoiding opening it because of the peculiar tin opener I have. Needless to say I tried several times to twist it around the can and puncture it but to no avail.

So just the other day I was speaking to my new found friend Nina about my little dilemma. She comes from Denmark and says she finds using these openers much easier. She then carelessly told me to push it in and pull it along. OK! So it's that simple I thought...I was just being silly, right?

So that night I decided to face the dreaded can and, no, it was not that easy. All I ended up doing was puncturing the can until it looked like something that had been left in a scrap yard. After a little while of puncturing holes in to I joined the holes to make a bigger whole (which was still quite small relatively speaking) and poured my corn out. What a mission!

So that was my one foolish moment and no I have not yet figured it out so until I find another opener to buy (which I have been looking for but this style appears to be the national favourite)  I will avoid tin food! Sounds fair enough. The next foolish moment, caused me a little more pain.

Because it is so dry here...with winter approaching and the change of season etc I noticed that my skin was very dry so I went about trying to buy some body cream. So standing in the isle I pick up a bottle of cream and off I go. Now let me explain my skin is very cooperative, it gives me no hassles and makes very few demands of me so I usually use body cream for my face as well and I have never had any issues.

So after my shower I decided to put some cream on and while rubbing it into my arm I realise that the cream takes forever to rub in and a little stretches very, very far! Weird, must be a Swedish cream-thing I thought! So after a couple of days of using the cream on my body and face I realise that the skin on my chin is getting very dry. URG! So in an attempt to counteract the dryness I put even more of the body cream on my chin, seems logical. But it burns a little and the condition worsens, eventually I begin to feel self conscious of it so I head off to the pharmacy and I got a non-perfumed face cream. So now I have my remedy!

Then this morning I am about to put on my body cream (the first one I bought) and realise it says "duschcreme". I stop! Doesn't dusch mean shower or something? OMG! I've been rubbing liquid soap into myself for the past week thinking it was cream! What an idiot!! No wonder my chin decided to go red and hate me!! What a fool!!

And to top all of that on my way home today I realised I have absolutely no idea how to put the light on my bike on!

So yes...I am some sort of fool!


  1. Keep them coming my lil sister.... without moments like these my office life here would be bothersome.

    Ps the can opener works but if for some reason you never figure it out this I found was the most helpful

  2. Opening a can with a spoon! What?!! That guy makes that look a hell of a lot easier than it is. I'm sure it's not that easy, those are special effects or soemthing ;)

